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Bolivia. 2013 ‘Dangerous Storage (Almacenaje Peligroso).’ Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and Other Related Materials Control Law - Act 400; Title 8, Chapter 5 (Article 141), p. 20. Sucre: Plurinational Legislative Assembly of Bolivia. 18 September

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Articulo 141 Deciter. (Almacenaje Peligroso)

I. El que almacenare armas de fuego, munición, explosivos, fuegos artificiales o pirotécnicos, o materiales relacionados, en lugares que no cumplan las condiciones de seguridad, poniendo en riesgo la vida o la integridad física de las personas, el medio ambiente, bienes públicos o privados, será sancionado con pena privativa de libertad de dos (2) a seis (6) años.

II. En caso de producirse la muerte de personas, la pena privativa de libertad será la máxima del homicidio culposo agravada en un tercio.


[Translation by]

Article 141 Tenth. (Dangerous Storage)

I. He who stocks firearms, ammunition, explosives, fireworks or pyrotechnics, or other related materials in places that do not meet security standards, endangering the life or physical integrity of people, the environment, public or private property, shall be punished by imprisonment of between two (2) and six (6) years.

II. In circumstances where people are killed, the maximum punishment will be equivalent to murder in the third degree.

ID: Q8423

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