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Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. 2024 ‘Licensing in Maryland.’ Owner Responsibilities. San Francisco, CA: Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. 27 July

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Licensing of Gun Owners and Purchasers in Maryland

Maryland requires that purchasers of state-defined "regulated firearms" (handguns and assault weapons) first complete the state's application form. If the transfer is approved, the person has 90 days to complete the purchase…

Purchasers of regulated firearms must also complete a certified firearms safety training course. This course must be the one offered by the Maryland Police Training Commission or that meets the standards established by the Commission for such training courses.

Persons with a permit to carry a handgun do not need to complete the certified firearms training course requirement…

Maryland does not otherwise require the licensing of gun owners or purchasers…

[Editor's note: The Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence regularly updates its webpages with new data as US gun regulation evolves state by state. For the most up-to-date information on US gun laws, please refer to the Giffords URL below]

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