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Serbia. 2010 ‘Authorities Responsible for Strategy Implementation.’ Strategy on Small Arms and Light Weapons Control in the Republic of Serbia for the Period 2010-1015, p. 6. Belgrade: Serbian Government. 13 May

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Authorities Responsible for Strategy Implementation

The Small Arms and Light Weapons Control Strategy (hereinafter referred to as: the Strategy) is implemented by the relevant ministries and other authorities, within their respective field of responsibility. Some activities are the responsibility of only one ministry, while others require the cooperation of several national authorities. In such cases the competent ministries take over the lead, and thus, cooperation and coordination with other ministries are ensured at the level of SALW Council.

Control of small arms and light weapons is conducted by:

1) Effective application of national legislation related to production, transfer, marking and stamping, export and import controls, fulfilment of requirements for weapons' possession and weapons registration procedures with the view to reduction of crime rates (Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Economy and Regional Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finances, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Health);

2) Public information on negative impacts of weapons' abuse and raising awareness in individuals and legal entities on the risks caused by weapons and on legal regulations related to weapons possession and internal and international transfers of weapons; (Ministry of Young People and Sport, Ministry of Health, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Economy and Regional Development);

3) Creating the conditions for safe storage of small arms and light weapons (Ministry of Defense, Ministry of the Interior);

4) Planning and conducting long-term and regular activities of SALW controls with the aim of weapons collection (amnesty) or seizure and destruction of weapons (Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Finance - Customs Authority and BIA)

5) Identification of surplus stockpiles of small arms and light weapons under state control and setting up material and financial conditions for their safe disposal (Ministry of Defense, Ministry of the Interior).

6) Strengthening cooperation at national and international level, in accordance with the existing international documents (Ministry of Defense, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy and Regional Development).

7) Seeking civil society support to the SALW Control Strategy (Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Economy and Regional Development, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Young People and Sport, Ministry of Health).

8) Implementation of the international agreements and documents related to small arms and light weapons, signed by the Republic of Serbia and harmonization of local legislation with them in the fields of Strategy implementation (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Economy and Regional Development, Ministry of Justice).

Encouraged by the SALW Council, other state authorities, international organizations and NGO may take part in these activities.

[SALW = Small arms and light weapons]

ID: Q3773

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