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Virueda, Marie and Jason Payne. 2010 ‘Cause of Death.’ Homicide in Australia: 2007-08 National Homicide Monitoring Program Annual Report; Report 13, p. 14. Canberra: National Homicide Monitoring Program / NHMP, Australian Institute of Criminology. 17 December

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Cause of Death

Since monitoring began, homicides involving the use of firearms have decreased by more than half. For example, 25 percent of homicides in 1989–90 (n=76) were known to have involved the use of a firearm, while in 2007–08, firearms were known to have been used in 12 percent (n=30) of homicide incidents.

Conversely, the number of homicides involving knives has remained relatively unchanged since 1989–90, although owing to the decline in firearm homicides, knife-related homicides make up a larger proportion of homicides recorded in the
more recent data (Figure 9).

Figure 9: Trends in Weapon Use in Homicide Incidents, 1989–90 to 2007–08 (%). Source: AIC NHMP 1989–90 to 2007–08 [computer file], p.15

ID: Q3668

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