Citation(s) from the literature library

Netherlands. 2010 ‘Stockpile Management and Security.’ National Report of the Netherlands on its Implementation of the United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (UNPoA), p. 10. New York, NY: Permanent Mission of the Netherlands to the United Nations. 1 January

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Stockpile Management and Security

The Netherlands Defence stockpile locations or storage buildings are all established within the perimeter of military sites or facilities.

Both SALW and ammunition storage are bound by national legislation concerning physical security and safety, including those concerning environmental aspects.

Physical security measures include separate storage of weapons and ammunition, key control, alarm and detection systems, guard patrols and watchdogs.

Access to arms and ammunition stocks is limited to personnel that have been subject to security clearance procedures and that have a written authorisation for such access.

The relevant staff members are subject to regular training on regulations, practices and procedures related to stockpile security, inventory management and accounting control.

As for transportation, SALW transports are always taking place with an armed escort. Arms and ammunition are transported separately in different vehicles.

[SALW = Small Arms and Light Weapons]

ID: Q1713

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