Citation(s) from the literature library
UN Register of Conventional Arms. 2018 ‘National Reports on Small Arms Exports and Imports - Vietnam.’ UNROCA - The Global Reported Arms Trade. New York, NY: United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs. 1 January
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The United Nations Register of Conventional Arms (UNROCA) documents the international conventional arms trade by publishing annual reports from UN member states. Each year, governments declare the conventional weapons, including small arms,1 approved for export and import. The resulting dataset is available from the UNROCA web site.
UNROCA figures reflect only those exports and imports declared by reporting states, and may not represent the totality of transfers. There can be discrepancies between a declaration from an exporting country and the corresponding import report received from the recipient state. As UNROCA annual reports were largely designed to quantify transfers of large conventional arms such as including tanks, military aircraft and naval vessels, reporting states may be less able to provide accurate figures for small arms transfers.
2010: 191
2009: 5
2008: 500
2007: 303
2017: 5,104
2016: 1,950
2015: 3,121
2014: 3,135
2013: 6,576
2012: 1,761
2011: 444
2010: 350
2009: 10
2008: 3
2007: 3
UNROCA web site:
[Editor's Note: calculates the total of all small arms1 categories for a given year. Light weapons,2 as defined by UNROCA, are not included in totals. To view a detailed breakdown of small arms trade data by weapon type, or to view trade figures pertaining to light weapons, please visit the UNROCA site above.
Export and import data can be found by selecting the relevant country, then 'Small arms & light weapons,' and scrolling down to the relevant section (select 'by years' to view data).
National reports are submitted to the Register on an annual basis by participating countries. Discrepancies are common between export and import figures declared by governments and displayed in our tables and charts. If the reporting country does not disclose a total for a given small arms category, whereas its trade partner does, re-publishes whichever figure is available].
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