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Mitchell, Geraldine; McMahon, Stephen. 2009 ‘600,000 Guns Out There in Victoria.’ Herald Sun (Melbourne). Melbourne: 9 April

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Almost 600,000 guns are in the hands of Victorians with more licences issued every year… In the past four years 25,000 new gun licences have been issued…

The most popular firearms are shotguns and air rifles, with 406,346 now in Victoria -- up more than 15,000 on 2004.

Overall, there are 587,535 gun licences in Victoria compared with 563,175 issued in 2004 -- a rise of 4.3 per cent.

Gun Control Australia president John Crook said … "Victoria Police statistics have shown us that 999 out of every 1000 people who sit a safety test get a gun pass. It's a giveaway."

Victorian Arms managing director David Sandground, who sells about 1500 guns a year, said…

"The laws are set up to discourage by forcing people to have gun safes, which are a serious investment."

Mr Sandground estimates that almost 70 per cent of sales are to hunters or the farming community…

There are 824 licences held for Category E weapons -- machine guns, tear-gas guns, mortars, bazookas and rocket-propelled grenades. But the total includes police and the military.

More than 4,000 Victorians under 18 hold gun licences.

ID: Q11662

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