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Number of Handgun Homicides
Definition and Selection Criteria

The reported, or estimated annual total of completed, intentional homicides committed with a handgun (pistol or revolver), in years descending.

Where a jurisdiction's published count of 'annual homicide' includes cases of attempted (uncompleted) homicide, these figures have been disaggregated.

In the United States, this category is confused by inaccurate and conflicting data published, suppressed or labelled as unreliable by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Suppression can result in zero values where in fact homicides did occur.

Incomplete classification by local agencies can also result in a significant proportion of events being categorised as 'unknown cause' or similar.

Before quoting these datasets, please follow the citation links for a description of the considerable differences between them and the reasons for data suppression.

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