Citation(s) from the literature library

Zambia. 1994 ‘Register of Transactions in Firearms and Ammunition.’ Firearms (Amendment) Act, Chapter 110, Firearms 13 of 1994; Section 32. Lusaka: Republic of Zambia. 1 January

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Register of transactions in firearms and ammunition

32. (1) Every registered firearms dealer shall keep a register of transactions relating to his business as such dealer (in this section referred to as a dealer's register), including the sale, transfer, repair, test or proof of firearms and the sale or transfer of ammunition, and shall enter therein such particulars as may be prescribed.

(2) Every entry required to be made in a dealer's register shall be made within twenty-four hours after the transaction to which it relates; and in the case of a sale or transfer the firearms dealer shall require the purchaser or transferee, if not known to him, to furnish particulars sufficient for identification and shall forthwith enter such particulars in his dealer's register.

(3) Every registered firearms dealer shall on demand allow an authorised officer to enter his place of business and inspect all stock in hand, and shall on request by that officer produce for inspection his dealer's register.

(4) Every registered firearms dealer shall render punctually to the Registrar such reports and returns, prepared in such manner, as may be prescribed….

ID: Q2425

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